
Not a pearlescent purple deathtrap, they made a bunch of them. Tuscan, Tamora, T350C, Typhon - many of these were sold along side each other. They were all bonkers in a different way - but they weren’t that different to each other.

We are very aware of what some people will think but all I ask is that people understand this is not about cost saving, this is about investing in areas that we think consumers will value as well.

Goddam right. Altimas don’t even come in V8, or RWD. I get that race cars these days are boring shells of their former selves, but I feel that somehow the Altima takes this theory and wipes its ass with it

I loved the first game, especially the shooting. I didn’t realize I was the only one, really surprised.

Mine too! An 88 :D

Words can’t describe the Cruze? How ridiculous. It’s a Cruze.

In Australia it’s called Pulsar!

If you were being kind you could argue that the Leaf gave them tech/EV cred and it’s a miracle they built the concept car-like Cube even if it wasn’t a resounding success (in the US anyway). Not everything has to be a sales success.

That Bond scene is just awful

If what I’ve read is to be believed, these are notoriously, shockingly unreliable. For a car that’s supposed to be a workhorse, what’s the appeal?

The two South Korean companies averaged 90 problems per 100 vehicles in the Initial Quality Study

I originally thought 32 front. But the C-pillar is definitely not 32, so I assumed it must have been a Silvia front. I also saw the LHD and figure it was in the US and probably wasn’t a Skyline.

Woah! Legit UDSM factory Onevias? That’s fantastic, very strange.

That slide whistle really is awful. How can they make it so campy? :( I get uncomfortable and sweaty just watching it.

240SX you say? It looks to me like an S13 Silvia, I thought the 240SX was based on the 180SX (hatch).

You can take your damn drifty physics and shove them

Same deal with walking along a thin beam. Sure, I’d do it. Unless it was suspended a kilometer above the ground. Same task, but higher stakes mean it would be much harder.

On the 7, it’s the first car in this segment to combine CFRP with aluminum and steel.

Interesting that they show the CR-X Del Sol with no roof and the S2000 without. In reality, the Del Sol tries very hard to pretend it has a roof, whereas the S2000 is very much a non-roof car.

I did the same marathon. We used a controller, and switched when we felt like it. We also failed to plan properly for sleep, so I had a nap about 18 hours in, but was woken after an hour or two because my friend was falling asleep while driving. We did the 24 hour race in about 24 hrs, 2 minutes (the game was paused