
I’m not complaining since I get to work from home as much as I want, but I would complain because of property taxes (for me) and/or rent (for renters).

Ticketmaster Service Fees”
So instead of giving to one jackass you gave it to another jackass?

Rewrite headlines with this one weird trick!

I understood that reference!

Why would you need your own personal aerospace engineer? I don’t think it would help all that much with running a lighthouse. You’d do better to demand your own personal fishing vessel.


I feel like the definition of middle means not on either end, but, you know, toward the middle.

Is this one filmed in Super Shakey-Cam™?

Haven’t been since 2016.1981

Or just stiffing the vendors/lawyers/employees/etc.

You can’t eat gold, but you can eat stuff you plant in a garden. Plus a little outdoor activity may be healthy. *

These guys say a little over $3bn

But Disney only grossed 4.9 billion last year! How are they going to afford to pay anyone a penny more? Don’t make those poor executives cash in their stock options! Then they’ll have to pay taxes on them!

I expected them to be wrong.

Too bad Kickstarter is not to be trusted.

Actually, if they’re smart, they do. Because that seems like a reliable place to get a lot of good numbers from.

I got your JUICE probe right here!

I thought it was an ASCII art representation of the other craft.

“So long and thanks for all the fish!”