obligatory video link:
obligatory video link:
Especially when you roll in the costs of gas.
Would you like to talk about the guy who thinks “cancel culture” is a problem just before he hates on some non-whites and gets exposed on the internet?
When I looked into it my house was only connected to the grid with a 100 amp service line. I was going to have to upgrade to a 200 amp service line. My interior wiring was fine, I was just going to need a new circuit breaker for the water heater.
When I looked into it my house was only connected to the grid with a 100 amp service line. I was going to have to…
Display Fusion Pro user here. Hold that bandwagon.
It’s ok, because we can call the flat-bill hats DUDE-BRO HATS.
But macs don’t get viruses!
It’s simple. If you want to upgrade your phone and can easily afford to do so, then do it. Security concerns are silly, just factory reset it.
It’s simple. If you want to upgrade your phone and can easily afford to do so, then do it. Security concerns are…
“The first thing one will notice is” the excessive use of the word ‘BRO!’
Well, there’s the unenforced 1-time bike registration fee.
you misspelled “run into the ground”
The ACA did so much more than handle minimum coverage. It did prohibit denying coverage for pre-existing conditions. It also allowed kids to stay on their parents plans until mid-20s (while in college) and many other things I’m forgetting.
I wouldn’t call being out ~ $3k “good coverage.”
Anyone who believes they’ve seen and experienced it all is a mental midget who should no longer be taken seriously.
Why wouldn’t I? Because I already own it.
Why wouldn’t I? Because I already own it.
You mean... like a Dev environment?
I haven’t tried them because I’m not going to be an unpaid beta tester for Apple.
Good to know.
Penalties are not steep enough. When short-term gains outweigh the penalty the only logical business move is to pay the penalty and reap the profit.