
“maybe he was showing his disdain for “hatred on all sides” or whatever nonsense that idiot said”

Are RAV4's now considered “Crossovers”?

Back in the late 80's I lived in a huge apartment complex in Phoenix. You had a single assigned parking space and there were a bunch of unmarked spaces open to everyone. The complex was being remodeled and several large dumpsters had been placed around the complex for construction debris. I saw a guy in a pretty new

In before “the real crime is portrait mode haha!”

One man was charged with the real-sounding crime of “unlawful use of a two way communication device.”

I’ve been saying this since the beginning of “dieselgate”. This is the thing nobody wants to talk about: The feasibility of what these regulations actually are... It more and more seems like the standards set were impossible to achieve “by the books”. I’d love to know how many auto engineers and mechanics were

At what point do we start to blame the regulations? When Dodge, Chevy, VW, (the list keeps growing) are all getting caught cheating, perhaps we have an issue?

When I was in college about 70% of a class of 600 students were caught cheating on a homework assignment. Why? Because the prof. was horrible, and the

One of Hawk’s greatest bits of inane chatter came during a weekday afternoon game in the mid-’90s, when Tom “Wimpy” Paciorek was Harrelson’s color man.

I once saw Vlad Guerrero swing at a ball that a 5 year old fan was holding in the stands. Got a triple

Can you point to this doll and tell us where the car hurt you?

I cant either. This isnt a crime, its a protectionist racket.

Maybe victimless crime should not take a priority.

I’m so relieved we finally solved our drugs, terrorism and human trafficking problems so that law enforcement can focus on the things that really matter.

Mike Matheny praised the fan for taking the bullet “the right way,” noting that glory boy fans in Chicago or Kansas City would’ve demanded a stoppage to the game and drawn much more attention to themselves.

There is an official beer of the NFL and every NFL team. Fuck this guy.

For $60 an 1/8 it better be from the US of A!!!

if dope were legal and sold like booze, 97% of violence associated with drug dealing would evaporate overnight, 50% of our prison population would be eligible for immediate parole, our tax problems would be solved and Mexico would have a chance to be a stable nation.
but the police industrial complex would collapse and

(We should note that, by our math, at roundabout $60 for an eighth of marihuana, 60 pounds of weed would be about $460,800 in street value. Dilworth police, where are you buying your weed?)

Legalizing it all and enabling and supporting harm reduction is the way to go.

The action of going mudding makes you a redneck. It’s just reality.

You can be a wealthy hedge fund manager from Wall Street named Kip Smithers, but for those five minutes that you’re ripping donuts through a field in your Mercedes GLS, you’re a redneck.

Intent is irrelevant