Folks, it’s a sweaty summer Friday, and chances are you’re work-sick and ready to let loose. Please find some relief…
Folks, it’s a sweaty summer Friday, and chances are you’re work-sick and ready to let loose. Please find some relief…
You should read the article. It’s a good one I think!
“‘A Blog Post By Me, Ashley Feinberg’” By Patrick Redford” By rudddddddddddd
Hopefully this will send independents and bernie supporters over to Hillary.
Who among us doesn't have fond childhood memories of watching the Chinese Super League?
It’s always good to be reminded that we’re lucky to be able to see Williams play, even if you’re not a big tennis fan.
Dan Bard had TOS as the ultimate cause for his catastrophic loss of control which ruined his career.
The best part of this award is that no matter who gets it, it will undoubtedly be posthumous.
I got 11 balls today
This guy is also an attentionhawk, and you are feeding him.
I was guilty of using the same language, making the same stupid jokes, and never giving one thought to what my targets might be going through. It took years of getting out, reading, and experiencing the larger world around me before I began to develop a greater sense of empathy and mental discipline when it came to…
I’m 31 and use a cane. My cane isn’t a symbol of my disablities, it’s freedom! With my cane, I can walk longer and farther than I could without it. Abled folks don’t seem to realize that for many of us, our assisstive devices are liberating, not a prison^.^
I think the problem is that a lot of the people who say these things don’t think anyone cares about them and that they’re giving what they get.
No, there is an additional reason aside from jealousy to not like this move. That reason is entertainment. You know, the whole reason we watch sports. Do you like to know the endings to movies before you even start watching them? This season is going to be boring as hell. I have no desire to watch a team roll through…
Last Friday, Phillies minor-league pitcher Matt Imhof suffered a serious eye injury in an absolutely freakish…
Makes him a lot easier to trade down the road to a less lucrative team with cap space to spare.
And talk to my family instead? NEVER.
Last but not least, Stamkos re-signed in TB.
Word of caution to all of you new parents out there: it's exhausting having a newborn in the house, and you have zero privacy piled onto your sleep deprivation.