Native Plant

I wouldn't call it that. I actually have very little sympathy for some company (or the airport - not sure how it works) installing a few wireless access points and charging $20 for access for what will probably be only 1 or 2 hours (at least that's how long I stay at airports in general). Make the cost reasonable and

Too bad Revolution didn't get a third season. ;)

Of course it's okay. We're talking about a 9-year-old, not a 4-year-old.

Woo I already belly breathe! Go me! Yay saxophone habits never dying!

I never understood why it should matter. I pronounce it however the hell I want to. As long as other people know what I am saying, I am golden.

Just tosses you right in.

That's the point, though, isn't it? By not giving a qualifier on "top scorer," you are automatically including women AND men. By giving the qualifier, men's, you are simply acknowledging that they are two completely different tournaments. Unless I'm way off base, I didn't interpret the author's desire to co-mingle

Pretty sure Korben meant that if you want to critique an article about "men and women being equal in an athletic competition" you should seek that article out and comment there, since this isn't that article.

If you want to write about men and women being equal in an athletic competition

Or the bear assassin she hired and now must get rid of.

Yeah because it's not like sports teams in the US are built around the incredible performances of one or two people or anything...

That flies against the convention of American sports, where vastly inferior teams only have a chance when they play over their heads and the superior opponent plays poorly.

That's weird. I assumed the goalie was part of the team.

I gotta say, it fucking ALWAYS sucks losing but I am EXTREMELY proud of our team. Green and Yedlin look like the truth moving forward and they are 19 and 20, respectively.

I am bummed as hell for Howard. That was an INSANE performance in the face of almost certain doom. That was going out on your shield.

This is a pretty successful adaptation, and I enjoyed it, but I still love the book so much more.

Two different words - a coMPtroller is a government official. Controller is (usually) in private industry.


Yes it does, inherently, in your contract with your ISP. If they can't provide the access, they shouldn't be charging everyone for it. If you are charging $100/month to 100 people for broadband speed, but can only really ever provide that to 1 of those 100 people at a time, that's a problem with the ISP.

I don't think you understand how paying for faster internet speeds works...