She seems way to you to be an FBI agent
She seems way to you to be an FBI agent
I must admit I had to look it up, but now I agree - it's a great word.
Wait, are you me? That was my first car as well. Came with a giant dent in the door so I didn't have to spend all my time worrying about ruining my first car.
I want to upvote but am unwilling to ruin the perfection that is currently the 12 upvotes.
I know nothing about football, but I look forward to this comment every week.
Yes - my nephews are completely incapable of grasping the concept of commercials. Nearly everything they watch is streaming, or on demand, or recorded, so when we actually watch live TV they don't understand why we've stopped the show and why we can't just start it up again.
I love that line and repeat it at least weekly. One of my all-time favorites from the show.
We have unlimited juice?
The sidewalks here (Maryland) are crawling with election signs. This year there's one for a politician named Chris West and all it is is a picture of (presumably) Mr. West with the text "Chris West!" Occasionally they mix it up and have "Chris Go West!"
I was born and raised on Long Island where it's the law that you have to like Billy Joel so… I like that shitty song.
Red Lobster, perhaps?
I've done something terrible to my knee and two weeks of rest, ice, and ibuprofen has not fixed it, meaning I'm going to have to go to a medical professional of some kind, who will probably expect payment. Fuck my $3,000 deductible.
It sure is!
My brother and I STILL sing that song even though we haven't seen the episode in ages.
Why, the shocking lack of sodium taught in schools today is SHOCKING!
I just finished "The Martian" (loved it!) and am trying to decide what comes next. I'm thinking Cloud Atlas, which I've never read. Though my mother has insisted I read Catch 22, which I've also never read. She was appalled. Decisions, decisions….
"the premise that nothing’s more fun for the whole family than playing out the bitter dissolution of that family"
My poor mother. I was a huge Star Trek nerd as a kid and she gamely took me to multiple Star Trek/sci-fi conventions before I was old enough to go on my own. I don't know how she managed it since her interest in anything sci-fi is non-existent.