
That’s because the Republican Party has not only actively embraced conservative Christianity, but has fused it into their core principles since the late 70s~early 80s, thanks largely to Jerry Falwell. They’re not merely “associated,” because the Republican Party itself willingly admits it, wants it, even.

Liberals =/= atheists =/= antitheists.

No its not, our country is deeply devided and there are republicans just like there are democrats that vote party line no matter what. There are a ton of republicans who hate trump, but cant even bring themselves to vote the other party.


Not running mate: ambassador to Zambia!

Only the drivers defense is why would he be paying attention. even if the autopilot tells him he needs to maintain control, the instant you let the computer take over you are already one step disconnected with the act of driving. TLDR: The person is still to blame but the concept of an autopilot is to blame for the

“My daughter hates me....I bet it’s feminism’s fault!”

I keep forgetting purity balls are not some weird sex device but a creepy father-daughter dance where he pledges to protect her virtue.

But if you never learned to have a mind of your own (tsk, tsk), you’d accept whichever crusty old dude your father gave you to.

Yes please hate liberals, I certainly want my wife to die because she can’t get an abortion, because birth control was banned. It’s a 2 way street. Either make it work or continue whining and not vote.

And yet he never got offered the Top Gear gig!

I seem to recall Trump being the one who said that he's willing to use nuclear weapons against our NATO allies.

yeah, “you’re a fake because I wasn’t very curious or bright when I was 12 years old” is an interesting defense that seems to be proving his point

“Kid,” wrote one. “Your [sic] not a doctor...sorry to tell you, but not everything you hear on the Internet is true.”


It’s the Oddjob conundrum

This is something that was a huge issue in Timesplitters 2 or 3 (I forget which). One of my all-time favorite series, but playing as a monkey (short and fast) or a floating character with no legs gave you a significant advantage, because your hitbox was smaller, and in the case of floating characters, no legs meant

That is the cleanest I've ever seen Pittsburgh.