This dude rocks. The sneaky pink cheetah-print undies in the last pic are also fantastic.
This dude rocks. The sneaky pink cheetah-print undies in the last pic are also fantastic.
Alternate take: Just pay the money now and play the game. I mean, you realize it’s going to be many, many, many years before it’s all done, right? I don’t even think they’ve committed to a total number of chapters. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if they George R.R. Martin it and just never finish it at all.
Yeah, I’d rather pay more now than wait a decade to play something just to get a deal
I really love diversity, but putting myself on the fence, somewhat... Do you think companies need to “force” diversity if they are European? If an African games company made 10 AAA games about various African warriors/heroes and then suddenly made a game with a white protagonist to sell copies/”pander”... I dunno. I…
Seriously... who cares? I’ve seen a lot of more stupid achievements in games... most of them aren’t worthy of being an achievement in the first place.
Funny how there’s no outrage articles about all the violence and killing and murder in the game and the achievement you can only get by killing things, too.
Because I guess we pervs are supposed to have boundaries.
I honestly prefer older neir to the younger. It was a breath of fresh air from the very played out trope of having a young antagonist save the world.
Is it baffling? There were similar achievements in Automata and Toro has clearly stated he likes putting scantly clad women in his games.
“Turning one of my favorite characters, with a mouth as foul as her heart is big, into an object to gawk at”
Hahah, please, Kaine has been running with half her ass and tits out for 10 years, and only NOW she’s an object to gawk at? How come you didn’t complain about the same 10 years ago? Sorry, you get no victim…
God, I’m getting tired of these isekai animes. “I Was Supposed to Slay Orcs in Middle Earth but I Reached Max Level by Baking Pies” is so 2018.
Haven’t baked pies in lotro, but presumably it’s not an activity that demands your full attention. It’s a simple thing you can do while watching tv, listening to podcasts, etc. Doubleagent, the guy who habitually levels to max level in warcraft without choosing a faction by picking flowers in the panda starting zone…
Are you so stupid you actually think civilians were not killed in WWII?
Everything about this is entirely hypocritical of the video game industry. I watched a video last night from LegacyKillaHD where he outlines some compelling arguments and lists off the companies that have signed against this and its laughable considering the types of games they themselves have put out.
being under 900 pounds and 47 feet long, that whale must be full of helium.
Except there’s a LOT of quality of life features that work a metric Fton better on XSX then PS5. Sony just doesn’t give a flying fart about the customers... MS does.
My bad - I frequently forget about Youtube’s ads, since it’s been years since I’ve seen one. Basic adblocking and script control isn’t hard.
if it wasn’t 120 dollar menu items i’d for sure get it