Circle Pad Pro would like a word with you.
Circle Pad Pro would like a word with you.
w/e w/e ain't no reason to get huffy yo.
*is inspired. I expect this mistake from elementary kids... tsk tsk I'm disappoint.
It's not disgusting! It's art!
Sure it's not just your PS3?
ehh................. *groan*
ahaha.... I need a drink....
Damn straight.
Pushing + every time I was prompted to didn't disappoint. I loved reading the tidbits about every building and such. Also made me laugh because it also made fun of the audience that bought it for the "Assassin" moniker. Still couldn't bring myself to beat it though, shouldn't have started with the 3rd.
I know what you speak. There's plenty of reasons to dislike EA but when I think about my EA purchases the only thing I disliked was the Freeplay Sims. It was my fault though, I shouldn't have plunked any money on it for my inferior system.
I've got enough financial woes keeping up with Nintendo and their constant formula tweaks. Ain't need to keep the Live up-to-date if I can just use my PC to play AAA multi-player (and others) at the desk.
Damn I hate Hearthstone. So addictive ;;
If MK7 is anything to go by, then no. Also, it seems if you jump off the track lakitu fishes you out pretty quickly.
I figured he intentionally wrote that, because I laughed after reading it up top.
The Space Station is sooo pretty ;;
They're figuring out if they want to include an attack animation with the power up? And they're letting us know? Oh lerd! They should just let you float a little with every aerial attack so you can combo a bit. And of course add that little sound effect.
I threw up after a run with the tire swing. I remember tasting the PayDay I ate earlier.
monster hunter please
oh lawdy I want this on WiiU.