Well, if changing the formula means different properties for different playable characters, then LuigiU did that. Otherwise, it's still just HD Mario 3D Land.
Well, if changing the formula means different properties for different playable characters, then LuigiU did that. Otherwise, it's still just HD Mario 3D Land.
Super Luigi U changed the formula up.
SMB2 Peach was playable.
I bought ACiii for the WiiU and I was impressed at how fast everything loaded. It's such a big game.
Version 4.0.0 U, available via an Internet connection, includes the following improvements: New Features: A feature to output video and sound to the Wii U GamePad when using Wii Mode¹ Users can choose to output to the TV and GamePad, or just the TV A feature to automatically receive recommended software and demo…
My most expensive game is Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Bought it 4 times, 70 bucks to get it on launch day (I live in a small town, so I had to use online shopping), 50 bucks to replace that one, 35 to get a copy for a friend, 45 because my last one was scratched. And I really want another copy, because I'm not sure…
Yeah, if Trey an Matt are directly involved, I'm not going to be bored, and I am glad to give them a cut 'o cash. Game looks amazing.
I figured the PSMove would be on par or better than the Wii. I've never tried it.
Given Capcom's "Exclusive" deals, it should only take a year or so to make it onto to other platforms. I can wait. I can totally wait.
Don't Buy the 3DS version.
Super Mario Advance Series
When they first announced the Mega's I laughed and called fake. They were real and looked Awful. Mega Garchomp looks amazing though.
I've always liked cute Froakie :3 But I'm set on Fire this time around. Especially if it's Psychic because that's my favorite type <3
I checked the comments just to see that.
I'm head-over-heels in love with Brutal Legend thanks to Humble Bundle. Damn I wish I wasn't broke, I feel like giving them a lot more than I paid for.
1. Fuck you
Oh my god, simple single digit numbers, skill tree, and it's TURN-BASED?! It's like the Paper Mario/Etrian Odyssey love-child I've always wanted... and it's. so. GORGEOUS.
Watch the vidyo, you can control the sparkly guy with 1P.