
Gee, it's almost like they WANT people to go back to using torrents.

Not at all. I actually AM a person with a masters degree in applied cognitive psychology. It's just that I graduated in 2005 and moved on to another sector in life. I wanted to make sure there weren't new avenues of study on the subject that I didn't know about. The methodology in the study you described was, as you

Indeed. Clearly the decision not to make up a new word in the 90s to replace the 60s/70s scifi version of the word "subliminal: was a bad choice for presenting the idea to the general public, as every non-psych post-graduate student writing in the comments appears to be getting to two ideas confused. Ah well, live and

Sorry, possible define "unreliable results." Which decade are you referring to?

There's a pretty massive difference between subliminal messages causing people to do things, for which no evidence ever existed in the first place, and subliminal message priming, which has only recently begun being studied in the 90s with dramatic advancements in refreshrate technology.

Sorry, just to make sure, do you have a background in cognitive psychology to make these assertions, or are you just randomly spouting opinions?

There are 30 years worth of cognitive psychology studies based on random variations of this process. Your mistake is thinking that subliminal influence has anything more than a very minor priming effect, which it does not. The experimenters are well aware that it does not. The entire field of cognitive psychology is

Double agree. All the naysayers on here have apparently never heard of cognitive psychology.

So this is an incredibly late reply, but it was actually an internal team decision to move away from Xbox Media Center, which happened around the same time as the move away from the Xbox. These days there's XBMC Media Center and, for the old school Xbox users, XBMC4Xbox.

That was going to be my biggest recommendation. NOTHING that bethesda has put out is close to Skyrim 2k HD.

Also, if you go with the larger mods, like Skyrim HD 2K Textures, you can actually watch the download progress and know when they've finished using the Nexus manager, as opposed to waiting until, without warning, the Steam workshop finishes the download. Generally, I use Steam for small mods, Nexus for heavy mods.

You mean there are people in the world who LIKE to pay more than they have to? That doesn't sound very capitalistic of them. Any good capitalist/consumer knows that the appropriate price to pay for an item is whatever the lowest legal price for that item is. If those selling choose to sell at a loss, then, through the

You can rip an entire disc onto a harddrive now. Actually, you've been able to do that for like 8 years. And XBMC has no difficulty playing the resulting iso files.

Yup. There's an addon that let's you rescan your library as often as you like. In the settings menu, you can also set XBMC to to scan the library every time you boot up. And you can tick the box that cleans the library of old, missing items during a scan.

I'm contemplating moving out to the west coast from Kansas, and at least part of my decision (a small part) is based on the fact that I'll finally be able to stream KC Royals games without worrying about blackouts.

Let's try that again. Want to improve your chances at getting a job? Know somebody doing the hiring. Boom. Done. Actually, knowing somebody doing the hiring is also an excellent tip for creating your own job. Being friendly with the CEO is a good step toward convincing the CEO that the position is necessary.

Dear people, eating less and exercising have literally nothing to do with this article. Jesus, I'm fairly disappointed with your conclusion. Bringing up eating less and exercising in this article is the equivalent of saying, "Scientists have come up with an incredible new fuel that works to make cars more efficient

Curiously, I did read all the way to the end. And what I read was: interesting science, interesting science, interesting science, pointless and totally unrelated opinion.

Wow! That sure is a lot of representative democracies you listed there.