
Just do a quick Google search and you can find all kinds of news stories on the "Where do the batteries go" issue that I alluded to, complete with pics. I concede that the new batteries are LESS toxic than the old and people pointing to the issue that started this exchange has forced some manufacturers to start

Yes, this is a time machine, but it only takes you to one very, very bad time in automotive history. NO..................JUST, NO.

Doesn't this confirm something many of us thought about Camaro lovers? Be honest.

Right, like all those other "clean ups". I'm sure it looks pretty on top. I don't watch Top Gear, I am regurgitating "crap" i get from tons of news sources, some even left wing! But, hey, hike your skirt up, your agenda is showing, because the subject was not oil, the subject was Prius as environmental savior. I

Zero options, 5 speed, w/ one passenger They are super fun to just beat the crap out of and always come back for more.

Being as that, the process and "carbon footprint" for making hybrid systems was exposed, most of the auto culture has looked upon the hybrids as cars for those concerned only with mileage or those concerned with looking like they give a shit about the environment. The problem is, they want it EASY. Concerned for the

The 8's are beautiful cars and this one has the 12 cylinder and a manual. My issue would by the myriad problems this car seems to have (and those are just what the seller is admitting). Also, 12 cylinders and less than 300hp makes me very, very sad. Gonna have to say CP.

When I read the title to this article, I thought I was going to see some awesome cosplay style pornography. I WANT MY CLICK BACK.

The Geo Storm. These where once EVERYWHERE. I am ashamed to admit, I owned a red one.

Configurate..... LIKE A BOSS.

I just let them go. I figure that natural selection will catch them eventually.

There is no excuse for driving like an asshat. I don't care if someone just kicked yr dog, yr wife left you with your best friend and your house burned down, THERE IS NO EXCUSE. Although, there may be a country song in there somewhere. If you are in an emotional state that is having a negative effect on your

To put my previous comment in a nutshell:

What I see here is a 3 sized CTS. If this is the "art and science" brand, where is the creativity? The CTS is a good design. The V coupe and wagon are drop dead sexy, but why not do something awesome rather than take the CTS into photoshop and "image size = 75%"?

While this car is proof that you can bronze (gold?) a turd, you are still left with 13k worth of golden poo. CP

If a Camry falls in the woods, does anyone care?

How do these perform at the alligator hole? Do they get a good angle to the jaw opening? What do you guys recommend for the wind mill?

The Stig is definately a chick. I have seen the above pose many times after a night of boozing. That is the "woman is not amused" pose. So, we have definitive proof from the picture above. I don't know who the other red headed chick is.

Honestly, though, my dad was telling me that when he was a kid, a guy he went to high school with's family owned the local fireworks distributor. They kept the fireworks in a network of man made caves under the NW Missouri hill side. He then went on to tell me that the kid's family bought a brand new, optioned out,

Honestly, bars and bars of unclaimed gold. I'll take care of the cars with my new found winnings.