
I’d do more than Time Travel to sleep with Daddario, lol.

The biggest thing that I found odd, was why did they name Kylo, Ben?

Brie Larson is the total package.

Whew, I can now sleep better at night knowing this.

They’re all jackasses and Philly fans can eat a can of shit when they come to Sota.

Fuck the eagles and their classless ass fans.

As a Vikings Fan, I’ve been a bag of nerves this whole week.

Great stories sell. Identity politics or SJW stories, not so much apparently.

I really wanted to play this game, but I’m glad I didn’t pull the trigger.

Can any of you bitches write an article that isn’t about whitewashing?

Hard NOT to see this as a straight up advert for a fucking mobile game.

This will never get old.

This will be the first real suck fest of the Star Wars movies.

Hey, you like shows that feature more commercials than show and a plot that moves as fast as a glacier, you do you.

Because we were able to see the signs on the wall, unlike all the other mindless sheep that ate that shit up?

“Not wanting other races and cultures to invade your culture doesn’t mean I hate their race. Just means I don’t want their cultures invading mine,”

I’m not frantically doing whatever, lol.

I love Crimson Skys!

Is this brave columnist going to review “All in the Family” next?

Obligatory “Leader of Men”