
Basically, these charts show how they royally fucked up with the first one.

user name checks out.

Fucking packer fans are the LITERAL wurst.

Literally, nothing good comes from Twitter.

This restores some faith in humanity for me.


That, I believe. This show is Trek in name only.

Dont tell the Vikings this, we don’t need to draft O line men.

Dont you worry bout the Middle East, Kush-dog is on top of it yo!

It really looks like a bunch of horrible cosplayers.

Go Twins.

I wish there was an option at the start to either play with or without a timer.

And console players lose out, again.

Agreed. It’s like Christopher Columbus, like someone would have discovered America at some point.

All announcers are just over rated wind bags.

Thursday night games are just useless.


It’s become increasingly clear to me that the NFL LOVES having pieces of shit (players, coaches, GM’s, media “talent”) in all aspects of it’s brand.

It was funny, I will watch more of it.

Thanks for the paid Beta testing for the Master Race.