
Fuck, you guys.

That wolf is the embodiment of everyone who gets calls from their friends about going out on Friday night but you’re already curled up on the couch at home trying to figure out what you want to watch on Netflix.

“You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it does.”— Inigo Montoya, probably.

I get the impression that they are educated amateurs that did this because they have romanticized the archaic methods. I blacksmith as a hobby and would be the first to tell you that there is no significant difference between what I do and what modern methods do outside of the perception of a difference due solely to

No. No. No. No. No. No. I cannot accept this. Why the hell is Brookes Moore no longer the narrator? I do not want Siri narrating my industrial manufacturing porn.

Glad that we didn’t get Laserdisc changers for Karaoke.

I was told (not by any law enforcement but by my mom, so caveat emptor) that using your emergency flashers and slowing way down was a good way to do it. However, a woman was arrested recently for doing just that. So I dunno. I guess we’re just supposed to trust the cops. /sarcasm/

Dumb question of the day... Why are all those power cables external? Wouldn’t it be easier if they were connected inside as part of the docking ring?

Agreed! HW is one of the best things to happen to Utah in quite awhile...

Beautiful pieces of functional art

Luckily my Vulcan costume has none of those things.

“Weapons of moth destruction”

/shows self out

I assure you those few of us that can taste these flavours appreciate them. Not everyone has manly taste buds

My datacenter has a large, red, mushroom-like button to kill the power, in case of an emergency like a fire. It is a failsafe meant to bypass the UPS unites and generators, ostensibly only to be used in a life-threatening situation.

Pretty sure I remember a “How It’s Made” on ice rinks. That show is the Bob Ross of the new millenium.

This is a good retcon to the blunder that was this awful sharpening video

Anyone else here have a sudden, nagging need to do their exercise of choice? I mean, I just broke my own personal best for 1.5km swim yesterday (35:47!), but I feel like I need to hit the lake, like right now.