
I'm pretty sure you can't go to Vegas for the price of corn starch and water ;)


What about the police who feel the need to drive while using their laptop or handheld phone? I pass a great many police during my morning commute (there's a state police academy near where I live) and I see them doing this more often than I should - that is, if "driving distractedly" is so terrible. My feeling is that

And how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

How would today's Gizmodo front page look like, if this was Apple Surface Pro:

If by a niche passion for the small devoted few, you mean everyone who actually does work on a computer....

The cassette was not a "descendent" of the 8 track. Philips introduced the "Compact Cassette" in 1963, a year before the 8 track reached the market.

Hmm. I'm going to be honest here. That was a tad anticlimactic.

Full disclosure: I am a gun owner and an NRA member. That said, this picture is in very poor taste. Even if those are toy guns it trivializes the most basic principles of responsible gun handling.