
That’s because it’s not just color but also context that conveys the emotion. A passionate scene done in all yellow won’t have the same effect as red. It’s also a high and low - Passionate sex and raging violence are both very high emotion states where as “Girl next door” femininity and subtle eroticism are both

But why have that shot in there at all, aside from a pretty picture for the trailer?

“Research Says Definitely Not Batman”

Maybe a silly question, but what are those patches of missing coating on the outside? Were they removed for sampling and study? Is that how they’re built (and if so, why?) They’re obviously not pieces that have degraded and fallen off.

Really, this is it. English is a screwed up language.

Not necessarily true.

and the thin cable isn’t going to fare well against bolt cutters, let alone serious bike thieves.

I feel like they missed an opportunity with the name. Lift-Bit seems great for a modular lifting mechanism or something. I get the use of “Bit” given what it is, but why not Sit-Bit?

Terribl(y awesome) movie, but this is the first thing that came to mind when I saw this.

And now I’ve killed most of my evening watching clock making.

Why is the gif at the top two movies that were admittedly flashed in the film, but not actually part of the list?

It was all I could do not to mute it. If this is what “How it’s made” has become, then I say “The king is dead.”

The only problem is that equivalent size =/= equivalent pizza

Is that not this one?

When I was a kid, my dad would always tell a certain joke during camping trips or other road trips. It went like this:

Why is Batman wearing a trench coat?

How big of an area can you save? City? County? State? What’s to stop me from taking a snippet of a continent? Or the whole world?

Please tell me you live in the Seattle area...

Can I have your address?