
I dont get it.

Thats a great thing to see... before I leave for Guatemala tomarrow.

Mmm.. I got my case early this week. But...... Im still waiting on my phone. =]

Oh gosh yeah.. I was really turned off when I saw those bikes..

I really like the aesthetic of the UI. I would take that over IOS4 any day. Its just missing that.. that.. Im not sure what it is about IOS4 that I cant leave. Iv been brainwashed! But anyway.. I really like it, though its missing some things.. namely multitasking. Though it would be interesting to see what it looks

I wish someone would figure out why Lisa is so creepy..

@Pressure: heh heh.. I got the one that came before they were out of stock.

Blue/red tinted boobies? Im not sure I can handle them. o.0

Really professional video I have to say.

Ok, so I have an issue. I bought a bumper not two days ago... and now I want my money back. How the heck do I do that?

On Apples website: "Testing performance in the field.

You know.. its people like this that give Christians a bad name. Im a nerd.. Im a Christian. And this makes me sick. God doesnt hate. He is Just, and Merciful. There is a verse in the Bible that says about loving others.. even if they are different. Westburro is obviously not following Scripture.

@YK: Heh heh.. actully, having been a avid skateboarder in the recent past I know quite a bit about that scene.

I dont know any kids that say gnarly. Thats a 70's thing..

I dont know any kids that say gnarly. Thats a 70's thing..

@Eridani: Thats how those old movies usually were.


I cant believe this. Well, I can believe the theory because (and call me crazy) but I have already thought of that. The whole stationary and moving clock thing..

@Brownski: Im with ya on that one.

Mmmm great article. The whole thing about the way the products are crafted is exactly why I went to a Mac..