
I find this quite helpful.

I wish that Lego made all their Star Wars models this big/realistic.. Cus I always hated how the standars models only fit one minifig and nothing is properly proportioned.

@erawsd: Heh heh.. If Win 7 expects to be around here till that day, its got another thought coming.

@Sent from my toilet: Ditto. And the only reason I would ever get a case is for shock absorption. Otherwise Ill just go with a Zaggshield.

@AOClaus: Hey! Watch it! I am a highly esteemed artist where I come from! ;)

@HitmonInfinity: Dude.. my thoughts exactly. Like, the blue does not match. haha

@Anonymoose: You also forgot to mention its mental strength. It knows what Steve Jobs is gonna announce before he does.

mmm.. grr.. Im too young to be eligible. Its discrimination I tell you!!! Granted I could lie about my age.. but what happens when they ask for my credit card? I dont have one... and my age wont match up to moms card.. gah.

@Samo: Yeah dude.. thats a weird movie there...

Seems like it wouldn't be overly comfortable.. I mean, some people were complaining cus the magic mouse was so tiny and their hands hurt after along time of use. But, this invisible mouse isnt there so I would suspect our hands would hurt after just a few minutes.

@mrmcarter: hahaha no kidding.. I laughed outloud.

@ryanprayogo: Really?? Poop. Cus I was considering updating.

@sneakypoo: hahah well... I thought that "one" was funny..

@sneakypoo: mmm I guess you guys have a point..

Dude... I want this so bad.. but I dont have $300 to spend.. Maybe if I could find the parts on ebay... and Google a DIY instructions I could be happy...