
And don’t get me wrong, I like that about the PC gaming community... It really is great how much people enjoy that, and perhaps I would too if I had the time. And I want them to continue to be able to push the envelope of performance and capabilities of the boxes.

In the absence of SSX this generation, I’ll gladly buy into this. Looks great.

Not to mention the people out there that could afford a PC, but frankly even though they could figure it out...just are sick and tired of dealing with setup, tweaking things, and all of the other “maintenance” needed to play a game on PC.

i thought uncharted 4 had grest balance between platforming and gun play. probably could have used more attention in puzzles but it wasn’t like they were absent from the game.

FINE, forget I said anything! Maybe I just had a bad day and said something wrong. I’m sorry!

I may not be the expert in Uncharted, but I’m 99% sure Emmanuel Estrada’s “Hang In There” clip is from Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, as I recognize the area having just bought the Nathan Drake collection and played through all 3 games this past week. The symbol on the ground behind Drake’s dead body is the Phurba dagger

Uncharted 4!

Also how many of those 250k will actually be willing to subscribe again for legacy servers? Some might, but I’d be willing to put money on a lot of them getting squeamish once cost is involved.

I can honestly say I’ve never given a damn about whether or not Uncharted has realistic looking climbing. You’re going up a mountain with no protective equipment or climbing gear to find the Lost City of Shamalamadoo to find the magical golden didgeridoo that can turn fudge into pineapples and will make dealing with

As someone who hasn’t spoken to my father in 8 years, not out of any anger or fallout but just because we are two entirely different people, families are not permanent. They’re just a loose agreement that genetics mean something socially.

Lucio is great at pushing his team forward with team boost, and amping up heals for some pretty great AOE heals after a few rockets or w/e. He doesn’t excel at single target patching up, and is more of an aura based healer with movement tools. He does pretty bad damage, but it’s still meaningful if you can land

Gotta switch it up sometimes or else it feels more repetitive than the Prison of Elders.

There’s a format you’re supposed to adhere to!

Ratchet and Clank.

I can’t be the only one... can I?

(so lonely....)

As my parents divorced when I was very young, I’d visit my dad every weekend. Not a great situation growing up, but if there were a silver lining, it was that I’d have two Christmases. Every boxing day my dad would pick me up and I’d stay over for my second Christmas Day...which was usually the better of the two.

“More guns” wouldn’t solve any thing. Regular and required psychological screenings would do a whole lot more good in decreasing the number of shootings.

I was going to start Mass Effect 2 this weekend, but... I figured I should start at the beginning. I’m rolling a soldier (I never ever played a soldier) so I’m expecting a challenge while I adjust.