
Binging Uncharted 4 because it’s getting harder and harder to avoid spoilers on the internet. Might dabble in the multiplayer after I finish the single player tonight!

This statement makes me think you have very little understanding in the way this would need to work in a professional setting.

>>No single feature in an MMO is actively partaken of by everyone.

I’m going to play devil’s advocate here and ask: How do you know that? Is there data backing that statement up?

I think there’s a lot more going on behind subscriber numbers than you or even I think and I don’t think it could be so easily chalked up to “lol, wow sucks now bring back old content”

I don’t think the number of people interested in legacy relative to retail is as big as you think.

Lucio seems like such an interesting character. I really want to get better at playing him but I just dont understand his mechanics. It seems like my heals never work on people and I do little to no damage when trying to hit the enemy.

This’ll probably be a Blizzard-exclusive weekend.

May 10th. Not April 26th :)

A Destiny post without a joke intro?

I decided to buy a hero I wanted in Heroes of the Storm with real money last night in a tiny show of support for Blizzard.

You’re not alone, friend!

My problem is that I typically want to use headphones for whatever I’m doing so as not to disturb my boyfriend playing next to me, and using two different sets of audio devices is a little awkward :P

Would be great if I could combine the signals somehow...

As someone who hooks My PS4 up to my second monitor switches between DVI/HDMI if i want to access PC/PS4 I also don’t understand it, but i’m sure there’s a use case. Maybe if someone’s signifigant other is using the TV and you don’t feel like re-hooking up the console entirely to a different monitor.

This is a story I like to recount every time I start another run of Mass Effect.

What is this gif from?! I must know!!

Hell yeah!

I’m less excited for my own Mario Maker shenaigans than I am about the impact these features will have on Mario Maker Mornings :P

Had the same idea as you a couple weeks ago :) Currently on ME3. I never get tired of this series.

Not gonna lie, lost my shit pretty hard at the spring part. Your reaction was priceless!