Natalie Sharp

$300 for a hoodie? What do they think we are? Dumb enough to pay for Fyre Fest tickets?

Oh I'm so doing this.

I'm on the fence with OITNB. Last season was a definite improvement over season three, which was just god awfully boring. But I'm so tired of Piper's stupid fucking face. Can she just get paroled early and Poussey's twin sister shows up saying "Would you guys mind callling me Poussey?" That might keep me interested.

Can you call it nostalgia when nobody is nostalgic for it?

I can't watch anything with Mike Myers in it these days. I've heard too many stories about what a towering asshole he is.

I did see it at the Alamo Drafthouse on a beautiful 35 mm print. That was something memorable, but yours sounds more fun.

Eraserhead, totally.

As a trans person, I REALLY appreciated that line.

They did 18. They just dropped these all at the same time. Next new episode is June 4.

Andy went to donate sperm because he likes whales. He's always been dumb.

I think that's a lot of people. He did Romeo and Juliet and everything since has been him coasting on the fumes.

It's weird to me that Baz Luhrmann had such a large budget, and is dealing with the subject of hip hop, and yet it still looked boring. I've only ever hovered over it, considering watching it, but I always thought "Eh, looks obnoxious." It seems too precious to take seriously.

That guy is a massive douche. My dad listens to his podcasts, and every time I think "Dad… plz. Y dad? Dad no."

I laughed so hard at this. It was such a send up to the old show. In classic Twin Peaks fashion, it dashes expectation. "Oh you wanna see introspective young bikers? Alright then!"

This was a rare case where my expectations were dashed with something better. It was so terrifying. I'll be thinking about this for years.

Blew my fucking mind.

That AJ Jacobs is a funny dude. The bit in the Guinea Pig Diaries when he outsources his life was kinda great.

The Holy Mountain is full of gross stuff. But the part where he eats the Jesus face and it looks like mashed potatoes or something, makes me sick every time.

I wonder if Alex is still gonna betray everyone…

Needs moar tuning fork.