Natalie Sharp

Enjlish is stupid.

Yup. It's like "Then go buy a jift for your jirlfriend. Maybe like a little fish with jills."

Did they also decide how to pronounce gif?

Tick tock clock can eat a dick! God I hated that level.

When I was little, my sister and I loved this movie. Then the show came out with some fake ass Buffy, and we wanted none of that.

I liked Windom Earle. I thought he was deliciously camp.

Awe, he grew on me.

I can't stand James or Donna in Twin Peaks. Except the movie, Fake Donna forever.

I can legitimately say, Beyonce doesn't care what I think about her.

Too bad Trump torrents.

I wonder if it still smells like cat shit.

Evidently, she's the one who told her dad he should run for president.

Ah yes, the only two types of stories- subdued family drama, and Kaiju monsters.

Eek barba dirkle

I felt the exact opposite reaction.

I wonder if they're still gonna have Alex betray the group. They don't seem to be following the comics to a T yet. I don't think they're going to have Jessica Jones and Luke Cage end up together, so making Alex remain loyal could happen.

Ah yeah, I misread that. It is weird. I won't let anyone call me by my dead name. Thems fighting words.

Shit costs money.

Awe, I love Gigi. Her videos are just her talking valley girl talk, but shes so sweet.

I had a thing like this for Tumblr. It was interesting because over time, it demonstrated to me how little I actually cared.