Natalie Sharp

These articles could really use "next," buttons.

It's a close one, but I think the English version of Funny Games was better. Naomi Watts clenches it for me.

I remember as a kid, the scene where he grabs the trans woman's junk at the bar being terrifying to me. It was such a creepy thing to do to a stranger. Those movies are fucking weird.

I live near Hadrian's Wall. It's not this cool.

This article could have been written "becomes the first person to win Steve Martin banjo prize," and I'd have never questioned it. I imagine this prize is just Steve Martin shows up to your house during dinner and is like "Surprise you're a winner!"

So you either yelled in a theatre, or pirated this movie.


He'll never top "Smooth."

I'm into it.

For as rushed as Ghostbusters felt, they certainly spent a long time setting up a wonton soup joke. And that's the problem- the movie didn't know what it could offer, so it just offers everything. Every character is a chance to spew idiotic dialogue in hopes that it would become a joke. Like the security guard who

My dad gave me a lot of his silver age books when I was a kid. I always loved reading stuff with animals. Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers was a really lovely call back to that.

Oh, I've seen it. :P

Didn't Dawn kill herself at the beginning of Palindromes? Not that I need Todd Solondz to be canon, I'm just curious if this is supposed to be before all of that or not.

Well I know what I'm watching this weekend.

Hopefully his character will be in line at the grocery store, buying lots of apple juice.

I'll always have a place in my heart for Happiness. I watched it with my dad when I was 15. So awkward.

That's easily one of my favourites of his. "Can't believe they got this place cleaned up after what happened in here." "What happened?" "They had a lot of cats."

Hank craved that mineral.

It took the entirety of Breaking Bad to watch the entirety of Breaking Bad.

I too lost my love for Burton's work after Mars Attacks.