
Holy crap. That is crazy impressive.

I love the announcer on the right (I didn’t catch his name), he is always so genuinely enthusiastic about the women competitors and an absolute delight in every NW clip I watch. He’s a good egg and clearly a huge Jessie Graff fan, who is absolutely extraordinary and worthy of fandom!

I know, early voting yada yada, but this country and its voters just fill me with despair and disgust.

His Wikipedia has already been edited. Beautifully.

Naw. Most of us here in Montana can’t stand Gianforte. Hopefully enough will vote and elect Rob Quist.

He’s claiming an elbow injury in the Hayes interview.

I said I’d rather have a banjo player than an evil rich PoS.

I bet he thinks hunting endangered species is fine as all you need is 1 breeding pair in a boat.

‘Babies will die if their mothers are hunted!.... yeah, but hunting them is so much fun, you haters.’

Some more info about Greg from Wikipedia -

movie concept: kidnapping evil rich people and then set them free in a forest and hunt them.

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.

I think the real question is: Is there anyone in that man’s campaign/administration who didn’t speak to the Russians?

Millennials let us down though.

I want to star this a million times. Perez will do the day to day organizing while Ellison as “ceremonial” deputy chief will be the firebrand and still keep his seat which is important right now. Revolution goes back to where it started but a sustained social movement will get us progress.

Nina Turner, a Sanders surrogate, told the Post’s Dave Weigel that “the future of the Democratic Party will walk away” if Ellison loses.