There is plenty of reason to doubt the validity of the election in which the person who won lost by over 2.5 million people.
But but butbutbut doesn’t he WANT those “millions of illegal voters” exposed? Is he going to let all that “widespread voter fraud” go undiscovered and unpunished? I thought he said we have a fraud problem— therefore, the only thing to do is recount the votes!
For the first time ever, there’s a Black Santa at the Mall of America, here to teach children that fictional…
This is the most fucking amazing thing ever.
I’m 47 and I still get that way.
Don’t worry guys! Someone set up a GoFundMe for Conway’s much needed exorcism:
My son took a shit in the potty today. He was surprised that that much came out of his body and very proud of the smell.
So Palmieri is correct. The media helped elect a racist sexual assaulter by legitimizing him and treating Clinton’s minor, minor problems As anything even fucking close to Trump’s bankruptcies and rapes and racism.
Well, Internet bullying is her pet cause and I guess she’s diving right in.
“Sorry Barron, it sucks to be scrutinized for every little thing because your parent decided to run for President. But hey, at least you won’t have anyone on the left calling you the First Dog”
Okay I know, anyone can sue over anything.
Right? That was my first thought too.... ProPublica does NOT get to act testy & defensive about recounting/auditing, not after evvvverybody got the poll predictions so horribly wrong. They get to sit the fuck down in the corner and think about what they did.
Weird that if HC orchestrated “millions” of illegal votes, she had them recorded in states where they could do her no good.
It really, really, reeeeeaaaaally bugs him that he failed to win the popular vote.
“There is widespread voter fraud. But not perpetrated by Republicans. And not in PA, WI, or MI, so there is no need to do a recount. The recount is unfair to me. But I won, totally legitimately.”
Screw that guy and Delta.
Emoluments clause emoluments clause emoluments clause....
Fingers and toes crossed. At this point I just want a rational human being in the White House.