
The thought has crossed my mind, but then we get pence.

Don’t feel bad about feeling bad. I’ve been crying off and on in a way I haven’t cried over ANY election. I didn’t cry over Bush 2.0. I didn’t cry when McCain introduced Sarah Palin. I didn’t cry when it looked like Romney might actually win.

Last night, I was walking home while sobbing from my friends’ election party-turned-funeral-for-America, and this guy was walking in the opposite direction, crying, and we just stopped and talked for a minute and then hugged (not in a creepy way at all).

Turnout matters. Just look at the voting totals. Trump didn’t even get the total number Romney or McCain got. The Dem side for some unfucking- unfathomable reason just didn’t turn out. WAY less voters than 08 for Obama and 12.

You know how things that other people have liked will pop up in your FB newsfeed? I saw someone that I went to HS with (and hated even then, the pretentious asshole) saying that you can’t complain about what Trump does when you’re a ‘violent thug’ that’s ‘basically asking for political retaliation’ by doing things

I wonder how many of these protestors didn’t vote for Hillary because they thought she had it in the bag.

My coworker’s daughter is out protesting in Seattle. The girl voted for Stein. She should be home hanging her head in shame.

Great. Thanks for all the millennial enthusiasm after the buzzer. I’ll think about how great these protests were after Roe v. Wade is overturned and I lose the right to healthcare with my pre-existing condition.

While I know there were some protests over Trump during the past year and a half, I can’t wonder why there weren’t more, and on this scale, and wonder how many of these protesters actually voted in the Reckoning yesterday.

I voted for Hillary.

I have no doubt Trump was bullshitting the base. The problem is Pence, Ryan and the rest of the Republican elite. The nightmare isn’t Trump, it’s that they now have free reign.

Every single time. When black people were the largest Dem voters yesterday, with black women being the highest voters, followed by black men.

I nearly lost it on twitter when someone tried to blame black people because only 88% voted for Clinton versus 93% for Obama. Oh but you don’t want to talk about the white women who voted in droves for Trump?

Fuck you Susan. Have a nice roll in your cash as you watch us poor women go bankrupt then die from cancer.

I posted this on a different thread, but am re-posting it here with a slightly different ending, given Kara’s excellent article:

Stein and anyone who voted for her can fuck off. I hope they all end up with aortic dissections because that is what they fucking deserve.

To be fair, pretty sure voter suppression was at play.

Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.

Fuck the Jill Stein voters. You’re so environmental that you’re willing to risk it on a man who wants to invalidate the Paris Accords? Fuck you.

Garnering just over 1.2 million votes, Jill Stein is arguably slightly less responsible for giving us Donald Trump