@Ackers thanks Brian Ashcraft: I'm glad I'm not the only person to have read that from the blur...
@Ackers thanks Brian Ashcraft: I'm glad I'm not the only person to have read that from the blur...
@Chronixal: Point in case here, they memorize spelling.
@oby: The "4000 man hours" was supposed to come off sarcastically, I'm aware that it doesn't take that long. Its a grinding game, for sure, and that doesn't appeal to me.
Friend of mine convinced me to try it out, so I got it. I was coming off beating Oblivion on max settings, took one look at WoW and laughed at the graphics he was saying were better than Oblivion. I got to level 2 with said friend showing me the ropes. It was so awful. Mind you, I've always been a PC gamer and online…
@jeremycole: Took the words out of my mouth. Krato's never interested me, Dante does.
Gundam vs. Armored Core
@arionfrost: Read the whole thing first, " It's not "can't". It's "don't f**king want to".
@arionfrost: You, he said he didn't feel that he needed one.
@Kiaza: Your a jackass because of your attitude, and lack of comprehension of said attitude makes you look like more of an ass.
@Kiaza: " Anyone could get one if they put some effort into it... Lazy people expect the world to be served to them on a silver fucking platter."
@OblivionVII: For Chrome: [chrome.google.com]
For those who don't want to download the file, It contains Game music, concept art, wall papers, posters, acsii art, and thats really it.
@gumbymac: Seagate Free Agent External Hard drive.
@mrpibb79: Just use the iPad to get some blood, don't bother cutting your finger.