
Not all heroes wear capes.

Oh my GAWD I’m stealing this for my Sunday! Ahahaha, you brilliant genius!

I’ve done FAR worse than Charlie Hunnam. Let’s not kid ourselves here, we all have.

The FBI and CIA work in mysterious ways...

I saw the replay of this while I was on the treadmill at the gym and wanted to whoooop and cheer with glee! Ahahaha, oh Donnie....just please keep talking. Tell us more, you brilliant genius. No one tells you what to do!

Links! I want the links! I want to nibble this deliciousness.

But then we get President Ryan. Ugh. #ugh.

That really is a beautiful letter to his colleagues.


I’m so confused about the up sides of being employed by Trump. WHO thinks this looks good on the ol’ CV?!

That was John Oliver :)

I gotta have faith that there is someone, anyone, in the FBI whose duty really is country first. There were leaks before. This kind of direct attack will hopefully unleash a flood.

Currently stoned so this caught me for a second, then I cackled with glee.

You’re assuming people with a Cousin Bobby Joe aren’t blaming BJ for his/her addiction and problems associated.

I once had an edible that gave me a severe case of couch face. I had to leave my cheek pressed tightly to the cushion for hours before I could lift my head up and go to bed, gently whispering to myself, oh yay, I get to go to bed now and when I wake up this will all be over....

That video still is chilling. Almost enough to reach for my oxy to erase it from memory.

I learned something new last weekend! The history of the word redneck. It was originally a term to describe striking miners in West Virginia, and many were killed in their fight to unionize. So! Ironically, the original rednecks were quite progressive.

You made me cackle with glee

Oooooooh that would be so YUMMY. I would pay so much money for a ticket to that party.