Jesus. Sorry! This sucks.
Jesus. Sorry! This sucks.
Currently being fucking sucks. I was super cautious and dipping my toe into being single, after not being single for 16 years. The guy was the pursuer and intense, lovely, funny, etc, and then zilch. I went through all of the full range of maybe he has a Samsung 7 and it blew up, then to wtf did I do that…
Exactly. There were no German or Italian internment camps, were there? I can’t quite put my finger on why that would be...
We can’t, we won’t, we don’t stop...I’ve been listening to ‘Sure Shot’ ever since the election and pretending to be a bad ass during these lyrics.
I’m wary of white women. I am in a red state for the month and I am still having trouble not hating everyone I see.
And Merle Haggard.
You forgot Sharon Jones.
Thank you, our lovely upstairs neighbors. This really warmed my cold, dead heart.
A dude told me he has ‘white guilt’ this week and I screamed ‘YOU SHOULD! WE ALL SHOULD!’ someone will read this interview if I say inflammatory shit. It’s the Azelia Banks method of celebrity.
Every time she smiles and lays out a statement I want to rip her head off of her shoulders. I’m pretty chill usually.
I copied it and put it in my notes. I’ll credit Kara when the time comes.
Okay what’s a read?
You forgot sometimes Megyn Kelly, when it works for her.
I feel you. I am really glad I got laid before the election because I inherently assume all penises voted for Trump, even though I know it’s not true.
Because too many of us need someone to be doing worse than us to point to? I don’t know. You’re making the assumption that a lot of people have brains, logic, reason and good hearts.
I had a one night stand before the election because I was so horny I couldn’t see straight. I have zero interest in sex or even really talking to a man at this point. It’s going to be awhile.
I understand. I think it’s the frustration that we haven’t heard the suffering of minorities, like, ever - and now white people are burning the whole thing down because we’re not listening to them.