
The major issue might well be the dismantling of the regulatory authorities, or clipping their wings as opposed to the actual contamination, though the former will inevitably lead to the latter as well too.

Now playing

Instead of this movie, does anyone wanna see this new Lindsay Ellis video about Disney screwing over Robin Williams and leading the floodgates open to movies who rely on a-list celebrity voice talent alone?

No love for Bob Hartley?

It seems like she is having mental health issues, but that doesn’t mean most or all of what she’s saying is happening isn’t true. Considering her neighbor found a FUCKING TRIP WIRE in front of her door it sounds like she is mostly sound of mind. Also we are just on the internet, we’re not evaluating her as doctors.

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

The “discrepancy” between the show finale and the books is that the show’s finale will be released.

I love how their responses are like “Well I don’t harass women on the street, so this is attacking us good men.” You missed the fucking point by a mile. If you’re not actively stopping other men around you from engaging in that kind of fuckery, you are absolutely not “one of the good guys”. YOU ARE PART OF THE

Not like I’ve been told by these same types of men how to dress, talk, work, behave my entire fucking life or anything like that. And that was as it pertains to my unoffensive behavior.” That’s it. That’s it right there that makes me so so angry. We are constantly having our innocuous behavior scrutinized and

Totally Agree. And for an ad - it was well rounded - showing that it’s #NotAllMen (another favorite rallying cry of dipshits).

of course the malignantly masculine personalities, both public and private, that grow mad at anything possible, piled on to this highly visible expression of, well, brand solidarity. Piers Morgan, for instance, doesn’t like the ad and neither does James Woods. CNBC points out that hundreds of thousands of people have

I’m sorry he went through that. I’m sorry the fan base attacked him.

But I am unapologetic in my criticism—as a woman of color—that he played a Steppin Fetchit character straight out of 19th century minstrelry. He got cast upon this portrayal. George Lucas approved of it. And it is still agony to my ears to hear a

Forgot about the drugging and raping accusation, did you?

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

If you literally CAN’T do your job then you’re in the wrong profession, my dude.

As I understand it, there were tens of thousands of black people living in London in the 1700s. By the time of “The Next Doctor” (1851), England had seen its first black high sheriff.

Ford’s comment about laughter being the most hurtful detail she remembered really resonated with me, and I teared up when she said it.

Pretty weird for the suddenly “bury the past” franchise

The comments sections don’t mean much of anything. I’m sure you saw that but the reality is that’s a vocal minority. The Cinemascore coming out of all the earlier films was an A+ score. People who actually saw it, on the whole, enjoyed it. I’m sure there are those who saw it and didn’t like it (I have friends who

Yes because internet comments are representative of millions of paying consumers around the world...