
“Oh, those were the years when the Doctor had Slitheen refugees living in the TARDIS.”

2 out of 50 Democratic senators might oppose efforts to suspend the filibuster and pass a law protecting women’s right to an abortion in this country.

Nobody gets fired for briefly touching a woman’s knee. Langella is a fairly big name, and given he’s older than the norm for this part, the production obviously wanted to cast him. You fire somebody under contract for nothing, you get sued. This was something or he’d not have gotten fired.

Chloe didn’t kill those angels; she just winged ‘em.

TV show, covers alternate timelines, titled “Hogwarts: Ahistory.”

For someone who claims to understand how a billionaire handles money, you don’t seem to understand how a billionaire handles money.

A hard-working and lucky person these days might reasonably retire with $500,000 in assets. Do you really mean to claim that Bezos deserves over 1 billion times that amount of money because he worked 1 billion times as hard?

“OK, Disney, here’s the concepts: first, we have a show about a guy who hunts down and kills people for a living. But it’s OK, he ends up kinda adopting a little baby Yoda with force powers who likes eating everything, including the eggs of sentient creatures.

MacClunkey is a good cop!

You nitpick that but not that the author suggests Han is frozen AFTER Luke has his hand cut off?

Age 7, so maybe not a very critically-minded viewer, but I assumed he had to be telling the truth.

After watching the video, I wouldn’t describe that as an AI any more than I’d describe a program that plays music out of a file a composer. At least one human being scripted every single word, breath, and laugh, and I’ll bet they ran through a lot of options before settling on this sample.

Is the complaint, then, that one group of BIPOC will complain about appropriation and another will complain about lack of representation, and BIPOC people as a group should get together and agree on what is or isn’t acceptable and just tell white people that so they can do it?

What are you suggesting, that a TV program or a movie or other piece of art should expect to be exempt from criticism if they meet some specific standard? Why might other complaints about Critical Role be allowable but complaints about how Critical Role relates to race and culture somehow require a specific action

You’re shifting the ground of the complaint. There’s a difference between calling someone a racist and saying that someone’s behaviors or choices hurt you in a specific way. It’s as if you’ve come across someone who has just escaped an abusive relationship, suffering from trauma, broken bones, and open wounds, and

I thought it parsed. When I see Ben Kenobi put the helmet on Luke and have him get repeatedly zapped by the remote in the original movie, I think “initial training/lesson.” In this one, I think “teaching a young padawan through the administration of a series of painful shocks doesn’t seem like an especially humane

Will you tell the 1.3 million African-Americans in the state that they should be expelled from the country because they’re forced to live with the descendants of the people who enslaved them? Or shall I?

And then, all new stories! Percy Jackson and the Socrates Stone! Percy Jackson and the Amphora of Fire! Percy Jackson and the Order of the Gorgon! Percy Jackson and the Deathly Hallows!

A lot of people started playing TTRPGs because of Critical Role, so this is definitely a “why not both” situation. It’s also inspired a bunch of other fan creativity. Calling it a passive experience isn’t giving the reality enough credit.

Fett: “We’re smarter than the people who hire us. We should be doing their job.”