
It didn’t work for you, fine. There’s multiple commenters here for whom it did work, loud and clear.

Eleanor didn’t say “you want me to kill a man and frame my fiance for it? Nah, I’m out.”

That would have made the scene better? Eleanor asks Kate how the hell she got that video, and Kate spends the next three minutes explaining things that we already know from earlier in the episode, bringing the action scene to a dead stop. That would have fixed what you characterized as a clumsy action scene?

It was clear that the watch belonged to Clint’s wife in the first half of the show, and that it could be used to identify Clint’s family and track them down. The only ambiguity was whether it had special powers, and we still don’t know that it doesn’t.

Yes, he keeps telling her to just walk away. If anything, he seems a little impressed. It does feel like a “I’m going to kill your mom but continue to honor our arrangement concerning you” kind of situation, although as he starts getting angry the dynamic shifts.

Banner isn’t going to make a rookie mistake like that.

You really think this is a Clint Barton show? He may be getting more development than he got in the movies, but he’s very clearly the mentor figure to the next generation of heroes. And Kate is clearly the main character.

Better than the other ways it could go, like the Doctor and Yaz having never gotten back from wherever they were sent in Spyfall, and “decompression” really being something happening in a virtual world.

This storyline reads to me like Chibnall hitting a massive universal reset button for the next showrunner. “When the Doctor restored the Universe some things got put back different!”

It would explain the whole “turns into a snake before crawling into Eric Robert’s mouth” turn that the Master’s story took once.

Obviously he’s associated with the Division, which implies that Vinder was, too. Not really a twist, per se, but something that got heavily undersold.

Given that guy’s character, it’s believable that he still refers to Lethbridge-Stewart as “corporal” from however many years ago when he first joined the organization. That’s a perfect example of what passes for humor for that sort of man.

And this is the problem: women, however they dress, have to make “statements,” but men can dress conservatively and that is supposedly not a statement at all.

Yes: when brought to his attention, he cut the accused breaks, covered up, reassigned women, paid women off under NDAs. You know, action!

“The Key to Time” produced some of the best stories of the show’s entire run. They just had no idea where the arc was going, and didn’t think about how they were going to run out of money and be forced to go cheap on the concluding story.

We know already.

Interesting how when women get drunk and are raped, it’s their fault for getting drunk.

No, the lesson is apologize in fucking person. Leaves no record, and isn’t cowardly either.

Seems pretty clear to me, if a little elliptical (by design, to avoid a libel suit, I would wager). Cuomo helped his brother defend his own, far worse, harassment. Cuomo has a platform and a staff on his show. Cuomo harassed her, and while he apologized afterward, she’s unsure if that’s because he knew what he did TO

Serious question: If you’re so exasperated with the AV Club Newswire stories, why read them at all, much less post comments on them? After all, posting invites responses, which increases activity, which gets more clicks, so if you’re exasperated by click-baity stories that contribute nothing, why would you behave in a