One bad apple SPOILS THE BARREL. Can’t see a better proof of that than this case. Everything this officer was involved with and everything and everyone around him is suspect.
One bad apple SPOILS THE BARREL. Can’t see a better proof of that than this case. Everything this officer was involved with and everything and everyone around him is suspect.
They were ON A BREAK (from filming)!
How does Gaveston not going to see a movie have any effect whatsoever on your ability to do things?
Very strange reasoning.
1. You don’t understand why someone might have an attitude besides “I’m OK, so fuck other people”?
They lied to him about troop deployments, so I can’t imagine they wouldn’t have lied to him about aliens, if in fact it were true.
Middle-aged white man say dumb shit for attention after telling us he frequently says dumb shit for attention; gets attention.
If you ignore the fact that it wasn’t the Muppets. (Were any of the current performers involved in the sketch? Because the puppets weren’t.)
So you’re saying it was a breakout hit?
Good for the media, bad for everyone else. This is a non-controversy that Fox News blew up and now other outlets seem determined to keep going.
On the one hand, absolutely, the “great man” theory of heroism is deeply corrosive and wrong. And we need to stop showering with praise the mega-wealthy for showing a basic level of human decency and charity. It’s the people who have nothing and still help out others who are the heroes, not the people who have more…
The Guardian article has some “Clarke’s lawyers said” responses that are just horrible.
So evidently you suffer from a medical condition that makes it unwise for you to get a vaccination and that also forces you to constantly post about that decision on the Internet? That’s an odd condition.
Sharon as Power Broker is still an unresolved plot-line. Not only did she do all those things, but she also kept threatening the lives of the Flag Smashers and then met in person to try to bring them back on-side after planting an (expensive) agent in their midst that she ended up killing.
Carter is either an evil independent, still working for rogue agents associated with the CIA, or a Skrull. Possibly more than one of those.
Walker is a tool, and as one of the few with Super Soldier Serum, he’s a potentially powerful one. Val’s his handler. He’s no hero, but he is a dupe, and he isn’t irredeemable. Yet.
Bravo for Sulagna Misra’s coverage, which I thought was fair even when I didn’t agree. Boo to these hot takes, which in some cases seem to be driven by the reviewers “watching” the show while tweeting or doomscrolling or otherwise not paying full attention. tFatWS had some subtle subtext and a lot of cues that were…
I assume someone’s done a T-shirt or meme where the first panel is a very white woman pulling at a mask with the caption “I can’t breathe!” and the second is George Floyd with a blue elbow on his neck captioned “How the **** do you think I feel?”
1) We know one thing: we know you aren’t funny
Karli’s a bit deceptive because she’s just the best leader among the tiny number of people who got the serum. She’s trying to rise to the occasion but she’s desperate and has no idea what she’s doing. She’s also clearly traumatized. And she’s under pressure to lead an organization that is going to save the world. That…