
It’s clear that Biden’s behavior doesn’t compare to our current president’s, and I can especially see how someone raised in a large family that’s physically affectionate might parse personal space differently from other people. I even appreciate a man of Biden’s age who has refused the toxic stereotypes of masculinity

Disney should hire him to do a brief animated advertisement as Iago, complaining about the new movie. Then release ten different takes on Youtube.

Fortunately, the stringent security measures present in every public restroom make it absolutely impossible for a man to enter with the intent of violence against women. Only through expensive medical procedures can these potential rapists enter these otherwise secure spaces. (/s, obviously)

Can you imagine even a fraction of this being redirected? “Magers was convicted today of two counts of irresponsible insemination. In addition to his mandatory sex education training, he will be required to listen to a recording of his partner’s heartbeat and to watch an informational video explaining that a woman is

If you were considering hiring a babysitter for your six-year-old (I am guessing you’ll have to imagine this situation), would you insist on hiring someone who has been accused by 20 or 30 parents of sexually abusing their children, on the grounds that this sitter is “innocent until proven guilty”? What degree of

Maybe because they aren’t gravity-propelled, given the obvious sound effect when they are launched?

My great-aunt was pregnant in New York City in the period when abortion was illegal. She was forced to carry her dead fetus to term.

I don’t understand your point, then. You agree that the bullying of women is far worse than someone calling you a misogynist for criticizing the Ghostbusters movie, but your complaint on an article that dwells on the bullying of women is that you can’t criticize the movie and the people you blame for that are the

This may indeed be true. But aren’t you on some level equating the risk you take of being accused of misogyny by strangers on the Internet with the risk women take of being threatened with rape? My impression is that the last Ghostbusters movie simply isn’t anything we’d still want to discuss or critique at any

The twist ending here must be that none of this is about human beings at all. What’s really being tested is whether or not the demons in the Bad Place are redeemable. 

This is what “lean in” was about, isn’t it? “Yes, dearie, open that oven door. And lean in.”

Part of what makes them assholes is caring a great deal about themselves and not at all about anyone else, except where other people affect them. The bigger problem is the extent to which American culture and society seem determined to convince them that they are right and reinforce their “charming” messages to women

It’s interesting that you don’t seem to see that conditions and problems can change over time and thus prompt changes in how they are addressed. The illegal population increased from 3.5 million in 1990 to a peak of 12.2 million in 2007, which sure looks like a sign that measures needed to be taken to get the

You can see a case in point on display in this very subthread (who I am not bothering to respond to). As for the actual numbers:

I think Carlin would have said “You’re not interesting. You weren’t shooting.” And gone on to make comedy out of the underlying truth that our culture secretly valorizes the people shooting the guns while holding those getting shot at with contempt. 

You can’t remember the name “Admiral Boom?” Or, worse, you do remember and passed up an excuse to use it?

The old show split the show runner duties between an executive producer and a script editor. I’m not sure why the new series abandoned that model beyond Davies and then Moffat wanting more control (and wanting to write episodes), but I wonder if it’s time to bring that back again.

Some of the posters in the greys need to look up Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Being ignorant of a law which exists to protect women in the workplace from sexual harassment certainly explains some posters’ attitude toward this specific instance of it, but their ignorance can fortunately be corrected

And petty crooks and thieves get caught and locked up while white collar criminals who steal billions of dollars can get away with their crimes. Welcome to power inequity.

It is certainly possible that the rape accusation is false and all the other accusations are true.