
Sorry to hear about your problems. I've watched it both on my laptop (using chrome) and on the Roku app. Both times is worked perfectly.

I think calling her a Cosby apologist, is simplifying it. Her point was basically that Cosby's work still was important to African Americans. She said it was hard to believe, but didn't dismiss it outright.

I think that's a good summation. It just didn't feel genuine to me.

I think the concept is interesting and different enough, but the more and more I hear about it the more I agree with you.

Yeah I watched it there too. Looks like they cut it out.

I feel like the longer seasons kind of hurt the quality, but I would rather have more CBB than less.

Yeah, I know how it sounds and totally get no one believing me.

Obviously, I'm just some guy on the internet but I know someone who works at Sony and asked them about this yesterday. They didn't know what this is about, but confirmed that Happy Endings is not returning. I know you guys have no reason to believe me, but don't get your hopes up.

All the commercials I've seen have yet to show actual footage from the show. Hopefully that's not a bad sign and these commercials aren't better than the show.

I didn't really realize bottle episodes where a thing for animated shows too until seeing this ep.

Seems rather inevitable. I'd imagine Krieger's canister also comes back in play.

I was expecting a link with Russell Brand.

They've been using that in Marvel films before Marvel Studios even made their own films. It was there in the Story Fantastic Four, Fox X-Men, and all the Spider-Man films.

Seems like the most obvious potential character. I really would've preferred him for Black Panther over Chadwick Boseman.

The worst part is they never gave him a name. All the characters just called him the Haitian. That was weird.

Most of the TV categories are a farce. I know it's brought up again and again, but Orange is the New Black, Shameless, and Transparent are all dramas. I wonder if these shenanigans would prevail if we weren't in such a bad time for sitcoms. Would these shows still get nominated if we had Seinfeld, Frasier, etc. on at

Wouldn't surprise me if Wilmore grabbed a few correspondents from there. This show seems right up Hari Kondablou's alley. I'm surprised the Daily Show didn't try to get him.

Already been covered, but they wanted to use Minority Report. Fox threatened to sue them if they did.

I'm not a big fan. I mean I don't dislike her or anything, but I'm not sure why people love her so much.

Rugrats! Kind of…