
Here’s the thing, most of the effects of those drugs mimic and imitate intoxication symptoms. Part of the reason those drugs are popular are because they can be hand waved with “You just had a lot to drink last night.”
How do I know this? Because it happened to me. My partner was the only one who realized I’d had two

Hey, it’s weird to make jokes about rape. Maybe don’t make jokes about rape?

You fucking piece of shit - do you have any experience with autism? Do you know what a parent with an autistic child goes through? Do you know how hard fought the battle has been for teachers and authorities to start distinguishing autism from run-of-the-mill bad behavior? How many smart autistic kids end up kicked

I love how the monsters have vaguely descriptive names until you remind them that they’re actually a Persona, like you’re removing their own mask.

This “clarification” that JonTron has offered makes part of his problem incredibly clear.

It is perfectly possible for a person of a racial or ethnic background other than “Anglo-European” to hold particular prejudice—or even racist beliefs—toward white folk. Similarly, it is possible for a woman to hold sexist beliefs

#yesallgamers, it’s getting extremely difficult to pinpoint a facet of gamer culture that isn’t infected with toxicity. From pro leagues to ultra casual games like minecraft, triple AAA titles and indie games, youtube and twitch streamers, to actual game employees. It’s not a minor subset anymore, it is every single

That just puts all the disabled gamers in a lobby with the elite players

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

There’s one portion of this show that took it from ‘I like this show’ to ‘holy shit when is the next episode?!’. It’s a great LGBT show, sure (lord knows I want more positive representation everywhere), but it also depicts a couple with one member having what appears to at least be a whole lot of anxieties and

Kubo mentioned that many overseas fans questioned the fact they kissed while not many Japanese ones did. I think a lot of the issues with the relationship can be seen from a cultural standpoint. Yuri on Ice was almost not aired because of how queer it is. It aired at 220am in Japan. Just as Korrassami did not kiss, I

The principle doesn’t exist out of some “honor” bullshit (which WOULD entail a nation taken over by feelings) but out of mutual self-interest. This post is an argument that the self-interest of damaging Trump’s electoral chances outweighs the self-interest of assuring future sources of unfettered anonymity. This is a

And he’s a clear and present danger to free speech, as laid out so well in the piece.

I use bodywashes with plastic microbeads. I’m really into recycling, and I like it when the foods that I eat already contain my former microbeads. Then I can exfoliate my intestines with them.

Let me strike a sceptical note here - while guro was getting its literal and figurative freak on in the 20s, Japanese ultra-nationalism was gathering pace and spreading its tendrils like a cancer. As anyone who’s read what later happened at Nanking, to comfort women, millions of Chinese, Malaysian and Korean