
Dude you are trying to clap-back at is a long term troll, been here for ages.

I love that this is what you’re mad about and not the fact that Kiwifarms has literally caused people to commit suicide. “Killing people is no biggie, but how DARE YOU try and inconvenience a company!”

The machine spirit died to protect you from this heresy

The dramatist in me hoped that as soon as the package opened, the cards would turn to dust and fade into the wind.

We are talking an NFT project. Them lying about the number of staff they hired, along with everything else, seems far more likely.

People still vote republican despite having liquid shit sprayed in their face for doing so. People don’t learn.

No joke, I would love to hear someone made a mod that replaces ALL nationality flags with some kind of gender/sexuality flag. 

The gay agenda is coming to get me. So scary!

Oh no, open-mindedness and brunch. How terrible!

It’s funny that the people who call others sensitive snowflakes are the ones getting upset over colored bars on a flag to the extent they have to mod them out.

Real “you calling out my racism makes you the *real* racist” energy.

I mean this isn’t exactly the same as modding out spiders in Skyrim or Darksiders.

I resent the implication that it’s unrealistic that Squirrels can use firearms or have the natural bloodthirst to use them wantonly.

EPIC: “With Unreal Engine 5, game designers can finally build worlds and characters so highly detailed and photorealistic, the player will be left wondering where the game ends and the real world begins.”

(the friendliest breed, by the way, according to Actual Science)

I have always taken issue with the discourse around Quiet which always just sounded to me like slut-shaming.

slut shaming is something done to actual women, not oversexualized female characters made by and for men. criticizing quiet’s design is criticizing the men who made her, not quiet herself

Ah got it. I was thinking it was an image of the card, but it’s shared ownership. Well, it worked well for Bart, Milhouse, and Martin when they all shared that comic book so I’m sure nothing could possibli go wrong.

Can NFTs be licensed characters/IP without the IP owner’s permission? Makes it sound like NFTs are a shady way to make money.

I don’t know if the themes of Robocop hold up nowadays with current state of policing in America. It’s going to take some deft writing to thread that needle without nuturing the concept, and that synopsis doesn’t make me hopeful.

Or they said “apparently we can’t get away with half-assing things on the cheap, so don’t bother.”

So either they completely misread why the GTA remasters were received poorly... or the GTA4/RDR remasters were looking just as bad.

Even Valve concedes there will be an occasional difference.  They are just claiming users won’t notice in most situations.  Which might be true, but still shady IMO especially since it’s basically lottery now as to which you will get.