
I’d accept 10 straight Captchas if it meant I got to order a PS5

People actively ignore how horrible 99% of all politicians are from whatever party you choose, yes still vote for them, rather than rise up, put them up against a wall and.... well you get the idea. The internet is probably mostly at fault for the rise int hese beliefs, confirmation bias is very very real and those

I like how the Moon and Sun are allowed to be spheres, but not the Earth. Epic.

I was on his side, but remember this is a multibillion dollar company that is fighting to become a multi trillion dollar company. Comparing yourselves to civil rights movement in any way shape or form is just so astonishingly tone deaf.

I think really that is the point. Twitch doesn’t feel like it has infinite growth. Not that anything has of course. But I have to wonder exactly how big the market really is. In these days of greed masquerading as capitalism everything has to make all the money and there is no value in a single purchase anymore. If

What annoys me most about the wolf is it makes horse trotting and running sounds, like it has hooves and the animation is the same as the horse. Now I paid a few quid for it, rather than buy the super duper edition as I like this kind of thing, but I feel ripped off.

I’m convinced my discomfort with 60 fps in video games is a by-product of years getting by with less.” I have to ask if you missed the 16 bit gen and if you have ever been a PC gamer? FOr those of us old enough, 60 fps was the norm.

Oh Luke. Shenmue is not a good game. Important yes, but not actually good. How about Metropolis Street Racer? Shadowman? The superior versions of Resident Evil 2, 3 and Code Veronica? Headhunter, Ecco the Dolphin, Grandia 2, Silent Scope, Confidential Mission, Quake 3 (those last two with mouse and keyboard of course)

But they will have paid for it, somehow. Either they own the album/track, are streaming on a service they paid for or that is ransacking their private information for streaming, or it was a part of the game they were playing. I would also argue that if the streamer is popular then tens of thousands of people will be

You might want to Google American war crimes.

Read 1984. Or watch it, either will do. I promise it will send shivers down your spine especially in regards to your comments.

There I fixed the headline for you.

Hah. Fuck EA.

But the console came out in 2013 and the specs would have been set much earlier.

This post hasn’t aged well, now we know how flipping enormous the PS5 is.

Shadow Complex is an actual classic.

I wouldn’t buy an Xbox One controller when Series S/X controllers are about to launch.

I wouldn’t buy an Xbox One controller when Series S/X controllers are about to launch.

I loved all the Pikmin games, including 3. Just played the demo and I was already going to buy it, but the updated controls are simply brilliant. I can’t wait.

DLSS and ray tracing is what made me decide to skip this gen of consoles and go full PC. Having seen what my 2060 Super is capable of, for example Control with all ray tracing on running at what really does look like 1440p and is definitely 60 fps, I now have a 3080 on “preorder”

Yeah you are right, but that doesn’t last long.