If only. Give it 10 years. I just hope google chrome makes a phone now...
If only. Give it 10 years. I just hope google chrome makes a phone now...
@Samurai I-am-awry: The iPhone has 2 cameras and I don't see you complaining about that. 2 of something just makes it better.
*cough* those chair legs looked like Microchip hooks and I was getting wrong idea when you said controlled by your ass...
@darkstar516: Well he's assuming that we are geeks and/or stoners, which means we have orange coloured keyboards and would prefer a new cheeto.
I come for the tech, and I leave for the culinary advice...
Why would you write on something as awkward as the iPad. Do they think I'll be sitting like this for my thinking pose, I might as well use an iPad while I'm here.
They should have let the politicians have a listen to this. It would have got them in 5 seconds.
From the post title I though it was some quantum physics thing where if you don't actually see it happen it won't or the cat is dead...
@Sluiced: Get onto microsoft quick and show us how you actually took 3 pictures and merged them all the way.
Who pushes up the next kleenex?
I saw a very good article about why Obama was forced to cut NASA and it was the majority of people just weren't interested. I know we all are but they're are some idiots out there that your government should not be listening to.
@Wrathernaut: But the "kindle style" is downloading simple little bytes which make up words. Not expensive. Several hundred megabytes...probably a loss.
Can't find.
@drewmcd621: I think running mac os x and having a Dell sticker make it worth exactly the same as it would be, so really there's no way to hide a mac.
They're all that, except search...and their news section is very tabloid-esque and as well as some other sections.
@wrackune: But they're doing the job. We want those games and the original creators and doing anything. Though the gangstar one is garbage.
Hmmmm, well, I don't own a mac or 60 dollar software licence. And there I was all intrigued.
What about WP7...
@Onizuka-GTO: Nooooo...he won't be able to type because his hands will be covered in hair and his fingers will be too muscly.
I can't wait until the memory gets up to 320 or 500 TB.