It seems like a phone dictionary for the computer.
It seems like a phone dictionary for the computer.
@Squalor: I see what you did there...
I want to know can they take candy?
@The Intangible Fancy: But they have many more scientists and more on the way. Science is treated like a disease in some countries of the west. Eventually their quality will increase and we'll be left in the dark.
I don't like the Chinese government, but their government is pretty clever. They're investing everywhere! Especially science. They're scientific papers released annually have passed the E.U and U.S.A.
I would like that to go bundled with google tv.
It looks kind of childish.
OMG, it's bigger on the inside.
As long as they give him an internet filter.
@Squalor: My fine collection includes giz, engadget, Cnet, appadvice, arstechinca and occasionally the bbc.
I read a lot and don't have a facebook account, but no one and I mean no one can tell me to go out in the sun.
I just hope apple might be kind enough to ship the Christmas version with 4.1 and not 4.1.1 so I can jailbreak.
I wouldn't mind the last one as a wallpaper though.
How did he go from the cool, free spirit of I don't need to shave and end up like him.
The phone seems to wp7(future style) but he's on a mac(which I doubt will ever look that nice.
I saw google tv and thought I'd like that, but surely apple will top that. They didn't so I'm going for google again now.
@Anticrawl: Nokia :p and I'm 16 and alive.
I'm a nokia user and a vegetarian.
@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: Zing?....I'm sorry, I'm no fanboy but I've gotten sick of that joke.
@colibriosis: My bad interpretation. I knew they used other blogs because I got the ArsTechnica and Engadget links from here last time. I just assumed from the last post had gotten an invite :P