
Christianity in America is far more complicated than that. I don’t disagree that this is a big part of the story, but can we avoid such massive generalities? Christianity in this country was used as both the main argument for and against slavery, for and against immigration, for and against capitalist materialism. A

Question is, what will the NBA do, seeing as their commissioner has publicly stated that it is both an expectation and an enforceable rule that all players will stand for the anthem and find alternative forms of protest.

Well her name is Dutch and she’s from the Cape, so her lineage is almost certainly Afrikaner. Not that the Dutch colonial effort was any less anti-Black than the British - it might have been more militant in all honesty - but it’s quite a different story than that of the British incursion and eventual domination.

I mean, Perea is a Spanish surname. There’s a good chance she’s got Hispanic roots, and if that’s the case, there’s a good chance she’s of mixed ancestry. Even if she identifies/is identified as “white” Hispanic.

Agreed with the caveat that most people focus on difference. It’s what people do. It’s why the world is the way it is. It’s (especially) white supremacy and Islamic extremism and Hindu nationalism and the Chinese government exterminating Uighur and Tibetan culture. It’s the Sunnis and Shias at each other’s throats.

So it’s either agreeing with exactly how you say what you say or “All Lives Matter.”

Clearly you didn’t read what I wrote. Guessing you went through the first paragraph and made a decision about where I was going and what I think. Try again.

All over the world people are killing each other. Brown people and Black people and White people, all people. Whether they’ve been colonized or not. Whether they’ve been the colonizers or not. Before imperialism. After it. Humans as a species are incapable of finding true unity, especially in a world where resource

Yet more evidence of the Trump admin’s overtly white supremacist mission. As with the DOJ’s move to collect personal information on anyone who has, at any point, gone through the immigration process - not to mention the bans, calls for the wall, and attacks on DACA - this is an obvious assault on people of color in

No. He’s half white, half Samoan

This is an extremely well-written article. Simple, to the point, and effective.

The NBA told all the players to stand for the anthem. The NFL is letting the players do whatever form of protest they want. Just pointing that out.

I guess Jogia is a little bit of a cop out. I didn’t realize he was half white and truthfully not that brown skinned. Agreed after all, the role was close to whitewashing.

Great points on Boseman, I don’t think that a lot of people consider this in the way you’ve laid it out, the historical context around access is absolutely key. That being said, they want these films to sell and they’re shooting for name-recognition, so they’re going to roll with the top actors available, and Boseman

If the definition of a mass shooting excludes terrorist events and targeted killings, then Mr. Sinyangwe’s own phrasing “white supremacist terrorism” negates these examples by default.

My first tobacco product.

No need for the hot take, cliffs notes history lesson, and while you’re writing doesn’t make it clear if you’re calling me “hopelessly weak,” if you are, you’re a fool.

Agreed that we always have to be prepared to fight — the article says the same. But the reality is, there are a lot of poor, vulnerable, and not particularly informed people who can fall victim to the pull of strong personalities at a young age and fall in line with extremist thinking because they’re looking for some

I should clarify, that there’s definitely a bigger gap between top of the roster and middle tier guys, no doubt. And as always, the teams want to keep things as cheap as possible, and they are getting better and better and finding ways to do that, most notably with the onerous injury clauses.

Actually that’s not entirely true. Veteran contracts are up in value man. You’re just not right about this. That’s why Brian Hoyer makes $9 million. It’s why guys like Abry Jones, role playing veteran starters, are making $4 million per year. It’s easy to research this.