Nanietta Bacco

And who can forget that Doctor Doom toots as he pleases.

yeah, when I keep a man’s photo on my desk for 25 years after I last saw him, it’s usually due to a general interest

The scene both worked and didn’t work for me. It’s effectively executed in the moment to manipulate me into eliciting one more “Hell yeah!” in a battle that has dozens. It logistically doesn’t make a lick of sense, and it’s obviously bald-faced pandering after one nanosecond of reflection. But still, “Hell yeah!”

Endgame fleshes out Thanos MORE when juxtaposed with Infinity War.

Peggy: That was a lovely date, Steve, let me see you out.

Captain Marvel blasted through a spaceship the size Manhattan while shrugging off firepower that wiped out the entire Nova Corps planet. This was after finding a spaceship floating 10,000 light years away AND RETURNING IT IT TO EARTH HER BACK.

I had assumed going in that Okoye would be part of the main crew in this one, especially given Wakanda’s prominence in Infinity War. It was disappointing to see that she essentially has a cameo here.

Was it forced? Yup.

Ah well, good news for the Lamb People.

The episode was a mixed bag for me.

So many things! I liked this episode, it was very well crafted for emotional response by the viewer, score, visuals, battle choreography were all fab. The little dialogue there was fit into the scenes and there was no corny-ness.

Am I the only one who thought Lyanna Mormont killing the giant was a little cheesy? I don’t think she is even much of a character in the books but the showrunners only kept her around because she’s popular.

First leg of the battle was frustratingly hard to see anything going on. Incomprehensible and a surprise considering how well they’ve shot battles in the past.

Guess I will have to wait for Martin to finish to know if wargs, azor ahai and his flaming sword and the three headed dragon theory mean anything.

anything for more Carrie Coon, i say, and skip the prostheses and motion capture this time. Skip it all, just give us some raw CC

I choose to believe that, in some parallel reality, Marvel just decided to let half the universe stay dead and started cranking out depressing, cinematic superhero versions of The Leftovers.

The Night’s King in the books is completely different. He’s not the first White Walker, but instead the 13th Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch, and he was defeated thousands of years ago (after the Long Night, because that preceded the Wall and the Watch).

  1. Suppressors don’t “degrade” like in video games. What you may be referring to is reduction in their sound deadening ability due to fouling of the internal baffles (mitigated by regular cleaning). Ironically, polygonal suppressors are the least susceptible to this issue. For example, Silencerco’s Osprey is guaranteed

Intergally suppressed barrel. High capacity magazine (50-60 round drum). Unless you are fighting in a desert or pouring sand into your drum mag they are relatively reliable. Looks to be 5.56, 300 BLK or some other rifle caliber round. Guns are loud. If you are going to have a conversation in, or after, a gunfight you