I got kicked out of Brownies for refusing to do spelling bees. I said "we do this at school, I don't want to do it here". We also did other bring shit like making pot holders and squares for a quilt....boring....
I got kicked out of Brownies for refusing to do spelling bees. I said "we do this at school, I don't want to do it here". We also did other bring shit like making pot holders and squares for a quilt....boring....
Next it will be the "possibly born"...women will have to report their menstrual cycles to the GOP...if we are not conceiving, we must be breaking the law or are useless. "Handmaiden's Tale" anyone?
It was part of a large planned event. He didn't pick the time.
Isn't transmitting the pictures child pornography? I think it's also illegal to send pictures of rape too. How proud they were of their actions, wanting to "share"...sick. Don't any of these people have mothers or sisters? Still shows how much work there is to be done with our sons.
Neighborhood Watch is supposed to be just watching...let the police handle the actual pursuit and confrontation. Zimmerman was told not to follow Trayvon. His re-enactment did not line up with the crime photos.
"encouraging a lifestyle."
I'm not sure I can buy this story from Lindsay...
I with Ellen! At 56 I am happy with me and my bod. Trying to keep a "girlish" figure for someone else to rate, is off my agenda. I eat everything I want and drink wine every day...like right now and I enjoy it. Plus, it fills out the wrinkles if you're not too thin.
States That Allow Spanking (Source: Center for Effective Discipline) Alabama Arizona Arkansas Colorado Florida Georgia Idaho Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Mississippi Missouri North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Wyoming
I was told that years ago, but that may have changed with new IUDs. The insertion pain may be one reason, but it could also be there are more complications with IUDs that could cause infertility. I had two over the course of 10 years, but I had already had 3 children. Was a great BC method for me...just check…
And let's add some more babies to that mix....no BC or abortion for ANYONE! That'll fix the economy. Force those babies to be born and how dare they want food or healthcare of housing. Can we come and live with you and Ann, Mitt?
His job is to get elected, defeat Obama..that's it. He wants this on his resume. After that, he'll wing it day to day. One of his "owners" will tell him what to do and say. He'll get us in a new war and make his friends richer and laugh at us.
Great post...spot on.
I think Mitt believed her child would have to have been adopted, since she was a lesbian. She couldn't have given birth!! Just like...I didn't know you have families. Way to be in touch....
Amber, you're my kind of woman.
I so agree with you! I had this conversation with a friend today.
I have wondered if Mitt is just a decoy and the GOP will roll out someone else. I can;t wait for the debates!!!
Exactly! Some people miss the connection between the two.
Way back in the eighties my daughter, who was 5 at the time, called me out on my own sexism. I was talking to her about going to a specialist for her hearing and kept referring to the doctor as "he". She finally asked "Mom, how do you know it's a man?" Left me speechless for a moment, and then I was proud I was…
Totally true. I sometime resent the burden put upon women to dress and act a certain way and don't be out late, etc. If you don't...well...see what happens? I told you so. So I'll blamed for doing any of those things if I am assaulted...I should have known better. Does the same apply to white men?