Nancy Drew

I once went to a wedding where the dj kept playing the jazzy opening theme to Sex and the City

In the South “Sir” and “Ma’am” are also reprimands. “No SIR. You sit down right now!”


Both times that I looked at the lede photo, I saw, “Courtesy Cunts.”

Someone “stealing” Mayer is like someone stealing your Taco Bell. Let them get the explosive diarrhea and be glad you dodged that bullet.

I just want you filthy people to wash your legs. We’ll worry about scents at a later date.

God, I could die happy if this turned out to be a Bansky stunt.

I feel like it was at least 50% when she started.

Tiffany? She doesn’t seem to be playing with a full deck…

So... elephant in the room.. anorexia, yeah?

Sooooo precious. May she come to you in your dreams, sweet Usagi.

Especially since prey animals shouldn’t want to expose their tummies to predators like us. It really showed me how much she loved and trusted me.

She would lay on her back and let me rub her belly

Kids are the fucking worst

It’s a different situation, but a little over a year ago I ran over my dog in my driveway and killed him. It was 100% a terrible accident. My logical brain knows that. My lizard brain still hates me for it.

The never ending updates of chrome nails is here. This is over navy blue. I’m not a huge fan but it will do for two weeks (I like the pink underneath better). Thoughts?bonus kitten in the back!

Guys, I’m so fucking sad and angry. On Thursday afternoon my 5 y/o daughter’s friend picked up my bunny and “hugged” her.

We had to euthanize my poor, sweet Mocha who has been with me for 7 years. The kid crushed her chest causing internal bleeding, a broken rib, and severe shock.

Mocha was my friend and love for

Bear with me and my pictures because we went out for our first hike since winter ended!