
Those are better than NASA pumpkins.

I’m not a detective, but um there’s a calendar on the wall and reflection on his eyeglasses . And there are more than two recording devices, because he first records from a web cam and he doesn’t take the Web cam with him .

That photo gave me big chills , even made my eyes water .

The Texas flag nor the flag in the megatron screen has been removed . I’m sure he’ll give a good reas on fir the cropping .

Is it not like the small rescue boat or the Lil boat hanging from the side of the ship that will carry them to shore while ship is anchored ? Idk that’s why I’m asking .

Heck I thought they was speaking about adult products , like K-Y jelly with a Lil fire to it .

Santa dropped his Crack rock .

Well shoot it makes sense to say that a large bird dropped it .

You read that part in the story wrong . It means the photo was brought to you by (taken by) a piano sized spacecraft. Easy mistake.

Truly amazing . I would like to read a full story from the donors mothers . I just can’t imagine what she feels about seeing her sons face , yet knowing that it’s not him .

I’m guessing Victoria Secret will be upset about this article . They’ll feel like they have been singled out .

Barnicles only grow under water . The flapperon /wing can only do one of two things sink or float . If it sank , it would’ve never surfaced . So why are there Barnicles. ? #justascurious

A simple Google search will tell you.