
@variableidentity01: I'd have to call myself a Halo fan (I've read all the books and I still play the games), I've read lots of Herbert and Tolkien (yes, The Silmarillion too) - and many of Morgan's books. And I don't disagree with him.

@Kaminari: Do read Morgan's books. Altered Carbon was superb, Market Forces was savage, and BlackMan/Thirteen was an engrossing read. As were nearly all his books really.

"Another vishitor. Shtay a while.

@PSOCecil: If uniformed guards appear and start unexpectedly searching your car without even a comment, are you allowed to get out of your car and ask "what's the problem?" Or is that just begging to be struck repeatedly about the face, and then maced (followed by a conviction for "obstruction" for not following

@DocSeuss: He was not convicted of assault - those charges were quickly dropped. Any reporting to the contrary is false. He was only convicted of not complying with the orders of a customs agent (he basically asked "why?" instead of immediately complying, and got maced for his trouble).

@Bishopgunn: Citation needed. Video evidence? He DID NOT hit a cop. Actually, the cop hit him, repeatedly.

@crabperson: Unless you want head-tracked viewpoints and stereo 3D. They're very different things, but a lot cooler when you put them together.

@hanj: Yeah well, I stopped buying "potential" a while back, especially from Sony.

@no computers in texas: Oh, it's definitely still there. Less obvious when it's not slowed down 5x, of course. Let's all just reserve judgement on the lag until we get a chance to play it with specific games, shall we?

@TJH518: Of course, if your studio had infinite money, things might be different.

@Gojiguy: Riight, like how they bought Bungie only to spite Apple, and Halo was just icing.

@R_Shackelford: It won't require a *Sony* TV specifically. Should be fine with any HDMI display device that can cope with a 120Hz signal (not the same as 120Hz/240Hz "motionflow"). There's a number of plasmas and RP DLPs that'll do that.

@jasongw: Sony have already said you will need to wear powered LCD-shutter glasses, like nVidia's 3D Vision ones. Glasses-free auto-stereoscopic systems exist, but they don't work very well, especially for multiple viewers.

@Saist: It might require an updated HDMI chip (again), if the previous chips can't manage 120Hz (HDMI 1.3a is supposed to be able to do that). That'd suck for existing PS3 owners though.

@bwwardiii: No different to the depth-of-field effects film-makers have been using for many years.

@bobtheduck: Agree; controlled lighting, depth of field, lipsync and greenscreen are all fantastic creative additions.

@deadstar: Everything I've seen in PlayStation Home so far is boring, and devoid of content.

@seishino: You don't need a special engine, an ordinary 3D engine will give you basic results, if you just render from two cameras as you say.