
You cannot prove a negative. That’s not how it works, that’s not how ANY of this works!

Racism against Whites doesn’t exist and the Left is not anti-White.

No, fuck YOU, you White supremacist garbage with your false equivalence and feigned victimhood. The violence is being perpetrated by one side and it’s the same side calling for ethnic cleansing. You don’t get to be an oppressor and a victim at the same time.

I’ve been saying this for a while now. These people aren’t just criminal, they’re terrorists. They’re Nazis. If the Democrats in congress continue to play nice and try to hang on to the moral high ground, at the cost of everyone else, then they’re going to be easy prey for the Right. They think that condemning

This is the level of petty I like to start off my days with.

In a way you’re right Damon. However you should consider that Trump is the reluctant guest of the Republican party, a party which he forms part of so long as they are of use to him. The Republicans fall in line with him because (1) Trump is happily enacting their worst policies and (2) because if they don’t, the

Transgenders get killed over this type of thing. If someone being transgender is a deal-breaker for you starting a relationship with that person, then you need to go ahead and inform them, not the other way around.

Hopefully the comments section will still be as user friendly as disqus, if not even more so.

If not then please remember that the Bolsheviks rose over less.