
Look at all the white people.

The eyes... they’re empty.

Spite is a powerful motivator.

Investor sold short

Bold strategy, Cotton!

If someone likes his/her own facebook post, then he/she is nutso.

It’s super effective!


Until they realize how hard it is to keep up the activity.

You know what else is depressing for fans with physical disabilities? Pretty much everything.


Phase 1: Build up that collection. Phase 2: Unleash hell on your friends. Phase 3: BECOME THE BEST

...and a private equity firm headed by Michael Dell.

Excluding the Iceland match, Pepe has been their best player, and it’s not even close. But also... fuck Pepe.

I used to dig holes.

The Iceland bit at the end... the cherry on top.

I’m just glad to see these jokes are getting stars. #sportnerdsarepeopletoo

I work with a guy who is a total poser and drives a Boxter (yet wears a silver Mercedes hat every Friday) so I will ask him if he traded an old phone for it.

I’m waffling between Darkest Dungeon and Pillars of Eternity, myself. Tough to pass up PoE at $17.99 which has been on my wishlist for... eternity.

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